Photomontage, Resisting the present, 2020
Resisting the present fait partie de l’activation de Antlia et ces Vaisseaux. C’est des actions performatives dans les rues de Sain-Denis, en île de France. C’est un travail à l’aide des masques de catch et du Vaisseau O. Résultat d’une résidence à la Maison Jaune, lieu d’expérimentation sociale, artistique et urbaine. Une performance artistique où la matière vivante sont les participants, les passants, ainsi que les objets et les lieux trouvés dans notre chemin. Cela questionne nos choix de vie, nos modes de consommation et de production. Un sujet grave dans une ambiance légère. Catch ta poubelle. Ces balades connectent nos puissances pour observer, et -dans l’idéal-, imaginer ensemble un autre présent.
This series of photographs and objects that becomes an installation are the first two parts of the Queer Constellation. The black and white printed photographs are made from queer fetish objects, in a performative gesture of surveying intimate and public places. The images are intervened with words. There emerges a language of Abya Yala's intersectional feminism. One could say a queer and anti-racist eco feminism.
On the other hand, photographs of performances with starry backgrounds are used as metaphors. On the one hand this re-situates the human in a geological and cosmic scale, on the other hand it shows different constellations or worlds co-inhabiting together. A world that contains many worlds as the Zapatistas say.
This installation around a feminist SF tells the history of a queer community, propelled by the global south, which seeks autonomy of its food and health and does not want to reproduce the society of today. It is in search of in search of ancestral and contemporary body memories and ecological knowledge to redefine their territories and boundaries in different parts of the world and in cyber space. This series is imagined as a diversity of constellations where | address issues such as care through medicinal plants, emotional digestion, dancing as a way of performing bodily and self-care tools; gender deconstruction, alternative thoughts and writings.
In this context | program, "Pelvica", as performative laboratory and collective workshops that allow the movement of bodies and thoughts, the conversation and construction of multiple points of view on digestion and non-reproduction, in collaborative care environments. Some of these collective and individual photographs are the result of invitations and the creation of these workshops: body movement, medicinal plants, drawing and automatic writing & collective and individual performance photography. These laboratories were activated in Colombia, with the help of the Traversées grant, at the Tour Mercuriales in Bagnolet within the Plateau Urbain, and at the Cité Internationale des Arts, as a laureate of the Fondation Carasso. This series is currently in post-production, is open and will be continued.
Workshops by PΞŁvłϾΛ